Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 94: "Fried" Honey Bananas

Original Source: Rachel Schultz

I like a good banana. Raw. Right out of the peel. Not put in anything. Definitely not warm. HOWEVER, let it be known that I cook things for the people in my family even though I know, right out of the gate, that I won't like it. So I made these for My Guy and Teen Boy. Teen Boy's reaction was "meh." My Guy ate 5 and said they need more honey next time. Personally, I don't think it's a recipe I'll keep but if you like a warm banana and honey, go for it!

Get the recipe HERE


  1. Personally I agree with you. I prefer mine out of the peel too. THOUGH: I like them in stuff. AND I have discovered (thanks to scouting) that I like Banana Boats. Slice longways down a Naner, and put in your fixins (I like chocolate chips, cinnamon and a little brown sugar, but you can experiment) and either put on the grill, campfire or in the oven and bake till the banana is soft and a little squishy. Then let it cool just a bit (I like mine still melty) and enjoy with a spoon. Mmmmmm

  2. I do like banana bread! Does that count? lol. I used to make banana boats for my kids when they were toddlers -- a version of them anyway. Slice down the middle, put a little cinnamon, syrup in them or honey when they're able to eat it, and bake in foil and let cool :) The campfire sounds fun!
