Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 6: Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits

From: Pink Pistachio

Hey, why should my human kids be the only ones benefiting from this experiment? I have 3 furbabies that need some special attention too! Actually, I have 5, but 2 of them are cats and I don't have recipes for them yet!


 First of all, I didn't have any doggie bone cookie cutters :( It's now on my to-buy list!
Second, the name of this recipe is Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits. But somewhere on the original site, I saw the words Biscuits for Boyfriend and it stuck with me, so that's how this recipe is titled in my files. Too cute.
Third: A tip from me... this is a very sticky dough. Recommend rolling it BETWEEN TWO sheets of wax paper, and not just on top of one. Made it easy-peasy.

Now, for the recipe... go HERE.

My doggies got the "star" version of this treat. And yes... they loved them!

 They may not be pretty but.....

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